From Fearful Patient to Brave One

Nancy is scared of dental work.  On the other hand, she has pretty bad gum diseases.  Two of her top teeth are loose and painful (Fig.1,2: #7).  The gum disease of the left back tooth is more severe with more bone loss (*)  and the tooth is extracted first (Fig.4).  Four years later, the right one also needs to go.  Immediate implant is recommended.  After explanation, she agrees to let it happen (Fig.3 I: implant).  As we expect, she does not experience any more pain associated with extraction + implant than simple extraction before (with the left one).  She is very pleased.  A few months later, a new crown (C) is made over the implant (Fig.5).  When the new crown is cemented, she proposes to have an implant on the left side!

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/23/2014, last revision 11/23/2014