Step by Step Restoration

Mrs. Yan has four missing teeth in a row (Fig.1: #2-5).  Two implants at the sites of #2 and 5 were used to support a bridge.  Last year the back implant (at #2) failed, whereas the abutment at #5 was broken (*).  An abutment is the middle part of the implant system to connect the implant with a crown.  Mrs. Yan's dental insurance allows her to restore one tooth each year.  Last year (2012) the broken abutment was removed and replaced by a new one (Fig.2: A).  A new crown was then cemented (Fig.3: #5; #1: wisdom tooth).

This year (2013) an implant is placed at the site of #4 (Fig.4).  An abutment (Fig.5: A) is cemented to the underlying implant (<).  A crown will be placed for #4 (Fig.6).

Next year (2014) one more tooth will be born at the site of #3 (Fig.1,6).  The birth year of the tooth #2 will be 2015.  In one word, the four missing teeth (#2-5) are being restored step by step.  If everything goes on as expected, we will see you in due time.

In fact, two implants are placed together in the year 2014 (Fig.7: 2,3).  Wound heals normally around these two implants 8 days after placement (Fig.8).  Their crowns will be placed in the following year (2015) to fully use her dental insurance.  Mrs. Yan returns January, 2015 and has X-ray taken (Fig.9).  As expected, these implants heal normally and are ready to have two final crowns made.

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/30/2013, last revision 03/14/2015