Carmen Tran - Replacement Denture Technique: Celera Technique – July 4, 2016

1.     Use a ruler to measure the patient’s face vertically down the nose and mouth.

2.     Use a brush to clean up the denture.

3.     Use a pair of pliers to hold the tab and heat up the tab (*).

4.     Stick the tab onto the dentures.

5.     Apply lubricant onto the lip area. (Vaseline)

Step 1: Border Molding

-        Apply adhesive around the borders of the dentures.

-        Apply heavy body around the border line of the top of the dentures.

-        Manipulate the cheeks, lips, and tongue to obtain the impressions.

-        Use a sharp knife to cut the excess material creating a uniform space for the final wash.

-        Have patient rinse with cold water (1-2 minutes) prior to making the final impression.

-        Use a 2x2 gauze to dry the inside of the mouth, and ridges of the patient.

-        Add light body inside the center of the dentures and make sure not to overload too much.

-        Completely sit the denture, and muscle mold the lips, cheeks, and tongue.

o   Do this for the upper first then lower.

-        Take out the denture and remove and trim the excess material.

-        Reinsert denture in the mouth and reevaluate to see if the denture fits.

-        Use ruler to see if all dimensions are correct on the patient. (anterior teeth position, vertical dimension, midline, etc.)

-        Use blue bite to check occlusion, and send to the laboratory.

Step 2: Boxing impressions and pouring cast

-        Place Alginate powder into a bowl and use the given plastic container to obtain water for the mixture.

-        Now put the denture into the alginate mold 1-2mm deep.

-        Cut into the mixture around the ends of the denture and put on top of the container.

-        Now let it set completely for 5 minutes.

-        Use the stone powder mixed 43mL (about 2.9 tablespoons) of water and pour it into the top of the container. Now shake and vibrate it so it will set.

-        Open the case and take out the denture.

-        Use wet 2x2 gauze and put inside the container and put it inside a zip lock bag.

Step 3: Wax Pattern Fabrication

-        Once the case is removed, the wax patter should be fabricated as soon as possible.

-        Using number 8 round bur, screw an 8th inch hole into the front and back of the container. Remove the excess alginate to leave a clean hole.

-        Lubricate the entire case with the Celera release agent and use rubber band to tie.

-        Use wax through the container from the inlet and let it extrude out the outlet hole and let the wax harden. Take out the wax pattern and trim with knife neatly.

-        Evaluate the positions of the wax pattern with the patient’s mouth. If there are any problems with the wax, use blue bite, and you can heat up a spatula remold the wax pattern to adjust the blue bite.

* If the borders are short beyond 3mm, they can be extended with the Celera tabs (in fact thermoplastic tabs; where can we find them in the office?).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/05/2016, last revision 07/06/2016