Doctor's Aspect for Preparation of Provisional Remake

As Suniti mentions, the papillae around the implant without provisional may be not as distinct as its counterparts.  The scallop architecture may be missing.  Implant margin may be covered by granulation tissue or growing gingiva.  If this happens, prepare thinner cord than #2.  If the stable provisional is removed from the other central incisor, the contrast of gingival structure may be striking.

Reasons for the loose or lost provisional are multiple .  Probably the prep is not ideal.  Reprep may be necessary.  So high speed handpiece and bur block should be ready.  The patient may not know instructions to take care of temporary crown.  The instructions should be written, memorized and told to every patient before discharge.

Use acrylic resin with 6 shades.  Probably a darker shade is needed to cover metal shadowing from implant and abutment.

If remade provisional does not fit the implant/abutment tight, use thicker and a little more temp bond.  To change thickness of temp bond, we should know how much to dispense two components.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 09/13/2013, last revision 09/15/2013