Blocked out Upper Lateral and Macrodontia of Lower 2nd Bicuspids

A 13-year-old man has severe malocclusion, including blocked out upper left lateral incisor (Fig.1,5) and macrodontia of the lower 2nd bicuspids (Fig.7).  It is time consuming to introduce torque once the block out is released.  It would be advantageous to place a special bracket on the lateral initially.

As noted, the orthodontic treatment finishes with extraction of four of the 1st bicuspids.  To establish posterior interdigitation (Fig.4), the macrodontia (the lower 2nd bicuspids) have to be trimmed.  It would be more efficient to have the lower 2nd bicuspids extracted.  It would be helpful to upright the lower 2nd molars (Fig.3,7).

The patient (19 years old) returns for removable retainer redo post 3rd molar extraction 3.5 years post debanding

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/03/2016, last revision 08/24/2019