Before After Before After

Pre-Debanding Check

A 12-year-old girl has anterior crowding (Fig.1,2), and a blocked out bicuspid (Fig.5,11 (#5)).  What was mis-diagnosed initially is Class II mal-occlusion on the left (Fig.5).  The apparent Class I occlusion at the 1st molar is misleading, because of the blocked out bicuspid.  Without Class II retraction (Fig.9 black line) after block out resolution (Fig.12), the left occlusion is half-tooth Class II malocclusion with mild upper anterior protrusion (Fig.6).

Therefore it is essential to check anterior overbite and overjet and posterior interdigitation several months prior to debanding and conduct appropriate retraction.  Take impression if necessary

Also remove occlusal composite before final impression (Fig.8 *).  It is amazing that the molars can self adjust its position 3.5 months post debanding (Fig.10 arrows) to close the space after removal of orthodontic bands (Fig.8 <).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/17/2015, last revision 05/29/2016