Simple Cross Bite Treatment

UL1 is in cross bite (Fig.1).  Composite is placed on the incisal edge of the lower centrals in a sloped fashion so that when the 7.5 year old patient closes the mouth, the lower centrals slide lingual to UL1 (Fig.2-4).  In short time, the cross bite will be expected to be corrected.

Composite will be removed once the mission is accomplished.

In three weeks, the upper left central incisor has moved labially (Fig.5,6)The cross bite and composite-related open bite have been corrected (as compared to Fig.3,4).

Four months after composite treatment, the upper right lateral incisor has not enough space to erupt normally (Fig.7,8).  It appears that comprehensive orthodontic treatment is needed.  Necessity of early comprehensive orthodontic treatment is more obvious when the young patient returns 6 months later

Anterior Cross Bite






Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/05/2013, last revision 06/10/2014