The primary stability of a 6x17 mm implant is high (>60 Ncm, Fig.4 I).  An abutment (A: 5x3 mm) is immediately placed for an immediate provisional; autogenous bone graft mixed with Osteogen is placed in the remaining gap (*).  After the socket heals, the provisional is dislodged.  No attempt is to fabricate a new one.  The patient returns for final restoration impression 3 months postop.  It appears that the mesial gap has been decreased (Fig.5 ^).  There is no bone loss 1 year 7 months post cementation (Fig.7).

Reamer Osteotomy in the Septum

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/18/2015, last revision 12/31/2017