Fig.3a is an illustration of the upper right sextant (occlusal view) with placement of premolar and molar bands (black and blue squares) and segmental arch wire (brown).  At the tension of an open coil spring (Fig.3b green), the tooth #2 is being distalized (straight arrow, as expected) and rotated (curved arrow, unexpected and unwanted).  To prevent further rotation, an implant will be placed at the edentulous area with placement of an immediate provisional (Fig.3c red square, good proximal contact, off occlusion).  With the guidance of the provisional, the tooth will continue being distalized (Fig.3d open arrow) without too much rotation (curved arrow).  It is also easy to determine the amount of the movement when the provisional is in place.

Ortho & Provisional

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/24/2015, last revision 04/30/2017