After 2 mm initial drill at 3 mm and 2.8 mm round drill until 5 mm, allograft and Osteogen are mixed and placed for sinus lift (Fig.6 *).  A 4x8.5 mm implant is placed with insertion torque <50 Ncm.  A 4.5x4(2) mm abutment is placed and more graft is placed around the crest at #3 and 4.  An immediate provi-sional is postponed due to limited space until wound heals.  The provisional is fabricated (as shown in Fig.3c) 20 days postop.  Three months postop (6 months of orthodontic treatment), the root of the tooth #3 is parallel to the implant at #3 (Fig.7, compare Fig.6).

Fig.11: 6 months post cementation/13 months postop.  There is formation of cortex-like bone mesial to the tooth #2.

Ortho & Provisional

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/12/2016, last revision 04/29/2017