4 Month Post-Extraction with Wide Ridge

A 59-year-old man had #2 extracted approximately 4 months earlier (Fig.1 pink: possible buccal sockets; blue: palatal one).  The edentulous ridge seems to be wide with exostosis (Fig.2 yellow line).  Use Magic Split for access and initial bone expansion, followed by Magic expanders.  The initial depth will be 7 mm to avoid sinus membrane perforation.  Place PRF membranes and bone graft prior to inserting a 4 mm dummy implant.  Periodontal dressing may be applied to the rugged surface of the tooth #3 for increased retention.  Or a splinted provisional will be fabricated

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/01/2017, last revision 02/16/2019