The socket is single and triangular (Fig.6 green outline (black one: gingival margin)).  What is not really expected is the presence of the possible MB2 canal (Fig.5 *).  The mesiodistal width of the buccal roots and palatal one are 6.5 and 4.5 mm, respectively.  The diameter of the planned immediate implant is estimated to be 5 mm.  The socket depth is 11 and 13 mm to the crest and the gingiva, respectively.  After use of Magic Expanders (ME) from 3.0-4.3 mm for sinus lift, a 5x11 mm dummy implant is placed.  The implant (Fig.7 red circle) has 3 pointed contact so it is stable, but it is placed apically (Fig.8).

Implant with Mobility Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/19/2016, last revision 02/13/2019