Implant Placement in Upper Left Sextant

Because of cross bite, there will be one less implant to be placed in the upper left sextant (Fig.1).  Maintain certain distance between implants.  After extraction of #11 and socket treatment with Clindamycin, start osteotomy at 17 mm and insert a parallel pin (Fig.2).  Use surgical stent to start osteotomy through the gingiva at #12,14 and 15.  Make incision and adjust the position of the osteotomies at #12,14,15.  The depth will be 14, 14 and 9 mm, respectively.  Insert parallel pins and take 1st intraop PA.  Extend the osteotomies to their final depth in accordance with the design (Fig.2-5).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/15/2015, last revision 12/14/2015