Non-immediate Implant & Parallel Pin

A 58-year-old lady had poor dentition 4 years ago (Fig.1).  One year and a half post extraction, without early intraop PA, a 6x14 mm implant is placed at the site of #19, which is found to be close to the root of the 2nd bicuspid (Fig.2').  The restorative space seems acceptable (Fig.2).  The patient requests removal. 

One year 3 months later, implant placement is tried again.  Multiple intraop PAs are taken (Fig.3 (parallel pin 8 mm deep from gingival margin), Fig.4 (3 mm reamer 14 mm deep), Fig.5 (4.5x17 mm tap at 14 mm).  A smaller implant is placed (Fig.6: 5x14 mm).  She returns for restoration 9 months postop (Fig.7).

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant, Dr. Wu

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/17/2015, last revision 04/18/2015