Bone Graft Around Immediate Implants (Planning)

A 41-year-old lady has severe periodontitis with possible bruxism.  Although severe vertical bone loss involves the teeth #29 and 30 (Fig.1, 2 (CT sagittal section), the remaining bone is wide and long for 4.5x14 mm and 6x17 mm gingiva-level immediate implants (Fig.2, 3 (#30 coronal section at the furca), 4 (#29)).  Bone graft is to be placed around the implants (red circles).  B: buccal; L: lingual; I: Inferior Alveolar Nerve; M: mental foramen.  Do we achieve what is planned?

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 12/28/2014, last revision 12/30/2014