Precise Placement

A 59-year-old man has lost the tooth #31 for several years.  The edentulous area looks low in density (Fig.1).  Osteotomy should be under prep.  Use 4 mm implant spacer to decide the initial osteotomy site with starter drill.  After 2 mm drill enters for 8 mm, insert a calibrated parallel pin (Fig.2 green line).  Make sure that it is perpendicular (pink) to the crest. Place an implant slightly below the crest so that there will be plenty of space to place an abutment, particularly when the opposing tooth is supraerupted.  Deep placement is also favorable in preventing periimplantitis.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/08/2016, last revision 02/10/2016