A larger implant is placed (6.9x10 mm Fig.5) with insertion torque 50/60 Ncm.  The implant appears to invade buccal space.  The buccal plate appears to be thin.  A 7.8x4(4.5) mm abutment (A) is placed immediately for immediate provisional fabrication.  The harvested autogenous bone is mixed with Osteogen and placed in the distal remaining socket.  Combination of the abutment and provisional keeps the bone graft in place.   Red dashed line: the distal root of the tooth #30; yellow dashed line: the superior border of the Inferior Alveolar Canal.  The bone density increases crestally 2.5 years post cementation (Fig.13).

Mismatch Last Next Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/22/2015, last revision 08/04/2019