If the treatment does not achieve pain relief, the tooth will be removed with immediate implant free hand.  Following 1.6 mm drill in the septum (Fig.2), insert its own parallel pin for PA (trajectory).  After use of Marking Drill, use 4.3 mm Magic Drill with 9 mm stopper, followed by sticky bone and 4.5x10 IS dummy implant (crest level) for sinus lift (2nd PA).  With confirmation of lift, insert the 1st piece of PRF membrane, more sticky bone and dummy.  The definitive fixture will be 5x10 or 11 mm.  Pack more sticky bone around the implant, especially buccal.  Insert collagen dressing in the apical portion of the palatal socket if necessary.

Furca     Last     Next   垂直窦底  Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/20/2020, last revision 04/05/2021