With all of measures taken (including periodontal dressing), the distal bone graft (Fig.8 *) is ~ 2 mm coronal to the crestal bone (red arrow) 6 months postop.  G: graft; <: septal crest.  In fact the abutment is incompletely seated.  The temporary crown is perforated.  The gingival cuff is erythematous.  A 6.8x5 mm healing abutment is installed. When the patient returns for impression, a 4.5x5.5(3) mm abutment is fully seated (Fig.9 <).  The distal height increases by 4 mm because of immediate implant (support).  The mesial and distal crestal height is maintained 13 months post cementation (Fig.11, weight lifter).

Graft Retention Last Next  牙周敷料

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/172/2020, last revision 03/17/2021