A 57-year-old woman has 3 missing teeth (#2 (Fig.1,2), 13 (Fig.3) and 29 (or T, Fig.4,5)) and a retained primary molar (K, Fig.6,7).  Four implants are expected.  The patient requests one at #29 first.  The ridge top seems to be soft from 3-D image at Fig.4.  As compared to K (Fig.6), the bone density at #29 is low (Fig.5).  After incision, DIO bone expanders will be used for a 3.5 or 4.0 mm IS implant.  Also prepare 1-piece one.

Soft Bone

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/30/2018, last revision 04/30/2018