1 or 2 Anterior Implants

A 55-year-old man does not like the extruding tooth #9 (Fig.1,2).  While there are fistulae associated with the two central incisors (arrowheads in Fig.1,2), bone loss appears to be apical at #8 and crestal at #9 (Fig.3 *).  To avoid iatrogenic bone loss associated with two neighboring implants in the cosmetic zone, apicoectomy is to be performed at #8, while an immediate implant will be placed at #9 with guide at the same time (Fig.4).  Furthermore there is missing or thin buccal plate at #8 (Fig.5 B).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/26/2019, last revision 02/26/2019