With insertion of Vanilla graft for sinus lift through the buccoapical portion of the osteotomy mentioned above, a 6x11 mm implant is placed with the same trajectory (Fig.2, <40 Ncm).  With adjustment of a 6.5x4(3) mm abutment and placement of Vanilla graft in the remaining sockets (Fig.2 *), an immediate provisional is fabricated.  The abutment becomes loose again 4 months later.  Prior to retightening, a 6 mm profile drill is used.  BW shows no bony interference (Fig.5 (opposing tooth occlusal wear; bruxism)), while PA shows the buccal bone, suggesting poor trajectory (guide essential).  The gap between the abutment and implant (Fig.6 <) is smaller than that in Fig.3.  Thin Septum Last Next Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/17/2020, last revision 12/19/2020