Size is Not Your Friend, Precision is (I)

A 66-year-old man returns for #3 implant 1 month post #14 cementa-tion (Fig.1).  The latter was placed free hand because of emergency (tooth fracture).  The distal threads are exposed (<) probably related to shallow placement (imprecision) or insufficient bone graft.  In spite of the wide ridge at #31 (data not shown), there is bone loss around the extremely large implant (<).  In contrast, the ridge at #3 is narrow (Fig.2).  A small implant (4x11 mm tissue-level) will be placed precisely in depth and position relative to the ridge with guide.

Return to No Deviation 手术
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/20/2020, last revision 04/24/2021