Large Upper 2nd Molar Socket After Vertical Root Split

A 45-year-old man with #4 crown fracture and C deciduous tooth returns to clinic with chief complaint of "chewing pain" UL.  It seems that the distal marginal ridge of the tooth #15 has simple oblique subgingival fracture.  With one carpule of Xylocaine, the distal portion cannot be removed because of pain.  X-ray reveals vertical root fracture (Fig.1,2).  With additional carpules of Septocaine and Marcaine, the tooth is removed.  The socket is large with abundant granulation tissue.  After debridement, a large amount of Vanilla graft and a whole piece of Osteogen plug is placed for socket preservation (Fig.3).

Return to Upper Molar Immediate Implant, Armaments

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/11/2018, last revision 08/11/2018