A Painless, Quick, Precise Implant Placement Procedure

Ms. Miao has lost a molar tooth.  She needs a dental implant, but she is afraid of pain.  With computer technology, implant surgery becomes easy, precise, quick and painless.  Before hand, we need to take a small field dental CT and impression.  Computer mills a surgical guide (plastic in Fig.1), which is seated in the mouth.  An implant is placed and guided by the metal ring (arrow).  Everything is precise and quick.  When the guide is removed, there is a small wound almost without any blood (Fig.2, much less pain as compared to traditional surgery).  Then the wound is protected by a cap (Fig.3).  The implant is placed as expected (Fig.4).  A traditional implant placement procedure takes about 2 hours, whereas the guided surgery ~ 10 minutes.  When the numbness wears off, Ms. Miao does not feel any pain.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/04/2018, last revision 03/04/2018