Gold Coated, Anatomically Prepared Abutment (I)

A 53-year-old man has perio-endo disease for the tooth #9 for 6 years (Fig.1).  In spite of scaling & root planing and root canal therapy. the tooth remains non-salvageable (Fig.2-4 (in chronological order)).  After Clindamycin socket treatment, place a long narrow implant (Fig.2) if the labial plate defect turns out to be extensive.  To reduce metal shadowing, use a gold coated abutment if available.  The margin of a stock (prefabricated) abutment is even.  In fact the crown/root (enamelocemental) junction is not even (waving), more apical buccopalatal than mesiodistal.  Choose a cemented abutment so that the margin is 1-2 mm below the papillae.  Then prepare the buccopalatal margin deeper, more or less anatomically. Re-prepare the margin if necessary before impression

Use hand and ultrasonic scalers to remove the residual calculus in the neighboring teeth after extraction (Fig.3 <).  The tooth #2 was lost due to periodontitis and should be replaced with an implant later on.

Take photos and PA immediately preop.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/24/2016, last revision 12/22/2019