A 4.5 mm tap is stable (Fig.2 T).  Note the coronal radiolucency (gap).

A 4.5x14 mm tissue-level implant (Fig.4 I) is placed with insertion torque > 60 Ncm.  A: 3.5x3 mm abutment; *: bone graft in the gap.

Three months postop, the amount of bone graft is reduced (Fig.13 *, as compared to Fig.4), while the gap re-appears (as compared to Fig.3).  The latter suggests failure of regeneration of the buccal plate.

Five months post cementation, there is no sign of peri-implantitis or bone loss (Fig.21).

Buccal Gap Closure Last Next 3 Years 2 Months Post Cementation

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/29/2015, last revision 11/14/2018