A 4x14 mm implant is placed with insertion torque of 35 Ncm (Fig.6 I).  It is deviated distally.  The immediate provisional is difficult to be fabricated because of the deviation of the implant.  The provisional is dislodged by the evening.  The problem is due to using a short abutment (A: 3 mm).

Fig.9: 3.5 months postop.  The abutment is longer than the one in Fig.6 (A) for better retention.

The root of #9 is short.

The crestal bone continues its modulation and adaptation to the implant 4 months post cementation (9 months postop) (Fig.15 (arrow), compare to Fig.6,9).  Thick lamin dura will predictably form between the crest and the 1st thread as time passes (Fig.15' red curved line).

It is possible that mastication force concentrates on the 1st implant thread, not on the rough (Fig.9 R) surface of the implant.  The smooth (S) surface of the implant is designed for gingival contact.


Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 09/12/2015, last revision 01/19/2018