The implant has mobility 4 months postop.  Now it is nearly 9 months postop.  The patient is eager to return to have the implant restored, since her RPD is loose.  The palatal gingiva is erythematous.  PA shows severe bone loss.  The implant is unstable, but the patient refuses to remove the implant.  An abutment is placed for a provisional to stabilize the RPD.  If the implant proves to be a failure, place a 3.0 or 3.5x23 mm 1-piece implant.  The patient returns 2 years postop (Fig.10); the implant remains unstable, although the provisional is functional.  She is receiving venous injection of osteoporosis medicine every month.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/17/2017, last revision 07/17/2019