Section Bridge for Exploration

A 47-year-old woman complains of chewing pain at #15 after #30,31 implant placement.  It appears that there is mesial open margin (caries, Fig.1).  The bridge is to be sectioned at the junction between #13 and 14 (Fig.2 red line).  It is expected that #14 and 15 units will fall out by themselves.  Examine and remove caries at #15.  Conduct pulpal test and start RCT if there is time and necessity.  There is one common buccal orifice with two canals (Fig.2 arrowheads).  Be prepared for provisional for #15.  An implant will be placed at #14.

Return to Upper Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table), IBS Antibiotic

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 08/18/2016, last revision 08/18/2016