From Immediate to Delayed Implant

A 63-year-old lady has a failed bridge from #3-10 (Fig.1).  Five implants are planned (4 immediate (#3,4,9,10) and 1 (#6 (bone probably widest in the edentulous area)).  Impression has been taken for diagnostic model (Fig.2).  After re-alignment (Fig.3), surgical and restorative stents are fabricated.  After Clindamycin treatment, initial osteotomy depth for the posterior (Fig.4,5) and anterior (Fig.6,7) implants are 14 mm and 17 mm, respectively.  If time is not enough, place 4 immediate implant first and fabricate a long provisional bridge from #3-10.  At final stage, two bridges are fabricated: #3-5 (cantilever) and #6-10.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/11/2015, last revision 08/05/2018