Incision reveals that the ridge at #9 and 11 is narrower than expected.  A 3x14 mm 15º 1 piece implant is placed at the site of #9, while a 3x17 mm straight 1-piece one is placed at #11 (Fig.4).  Insertion torques at #9 and 11 are 20 and 30 Ncm, respectively.  The position and trajectory of the implants are dictated by the partial denture and surgical stent.  After bone graft (^) and Osteogen Membrane, the ridge (Fig.3) is wider than before.

If PA were taken with initial drills, the length of the implant at #9 would be increased for higher insertion torque.  For lady with possible osteoporosis, osteotomy should be underprep.

Angled vs. Straight 1-Piece Implants Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 04/15/2017, last revision 08/05/2018