A 53-year-old man chips porcelain of the upper anterior bridge after implant placement at #14 and 15.  Since he will return to home country for visit in the next few months, he is eager to restore the anterior restoration.  One of the abutments (#10) appears to have circumferential bone loos (Fig.1 (CBCT axial section)).  It does not seem to be a ideal treatment plan to redo the bridge.  The edentulous ridge is atrophic at #8 and 9.  It appears that 2.5 mm 1-piece implants fit the region (green circles). There is a buccal concavity at #9 (red dashed line).  The 2.5 mm implant should be placed between the Incisive Canal (I) and the buccal concavity.

2.5 mm 1-Piece Implants

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/21/2017, last revision 01/19/2018