The osteotomy at #27 is initiated as lingual as possible so that there will be at least 2 mm buccal gap when the narrow implant (3.8x13 mm) is placed.  In spite of effort and precaution, the coronal end of the implant tilts buccally due to the solid lingual bone so that a 4.5 mm 15 ° A 4 mm angled abutment is placed slightly subgingival (except buccal; Fig.5 A).  Bone graft is used to fill the remaining socket (*).

Two of 2.5x12(4) mm 1-piece implants are placed at #23 and 25 (Fig.6). 

Narrow Implant Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/02/2017, last revision 05/12/2020