A 44-year-old lady requests restoring missing teeth at #14 (Fig.1 *) and 30.  There is no buccopalatal width deficiency at #14, but the mesiodistal space needs to be expanded by distalizing the tooth #15 (arrow) after extraction of the tooth #16 (x).  Placement of a longest mini-implant at the tuberosity area after socket healing is anticipated.

At the site of #19, the biggest challenge is the buccolingual width.  An incision will be made to determine the width.  If it is less than 5 mm, consider Ridge Split.   Otherwise, place a UF implant at restorative position and bone graft.  Initial depth is 10 mm.

Ortho & Implant

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/11/2016, last revision 10/11/2016