The patient returns for follow up 3 weeks postop (Fig.11).  The splinted provisional has dislodged.  The patient does not have the provisional cemented back, because of difficulty in cleaning.  The wound heals normally around the implant at the site of #31, although there is swelling buccal to the implant at the site of #30.  There is no need for the provisional (Fig.1).  For better oral hygiene maintenance and avoidance of occlusal interference, the abutment at #30 is changed to a healing screw, whereas the abutment at #31 is changed to a short one.  The latter is due to the fact that there is thicker gingiva at the site of #31 or the implant is placed a little too deep.

In fact, the dislodgement of the provisional is partially due to looseness of the abutment against the implant at the site of #31.

Wax up & Surgical Stent

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 06/03/2015, last revision 06/03/2015