There is chewing pain in spite of previous occlusal adjustment 7 months post cementation (Fig.11-13: increased radiolucency around the implant).  The crown/abutment is removed and a healing abutment is placed (6x3 mm); the implant is found to be stable.  The patient will return for re-evaluation in 3 months.  Check proximal contact after crown reseating.  Occlusion should be light, since #18 is the only molar with a natural opposing tooth (heavy occlusion).  The patient return for re-evaluation in 3 months (15 months postop); radiolucency appears to reduce (Fig.14).  But there is pain when the healing abutment is being removed.  After local anesthesia, the implant is removed with a wrench.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/20/2017, last revision 08/30/2018