Failed Bridge

A 47-year-old man works in Africa.  While he is visiting his family at Atlanta, he has toothache in the lower right.  Examination reveals secondary caries under #31 retainer (Fig.1) and mesial open margin of #28 retainer (Fig.2).  Surgery is scheduled next day.

Before sectioning between #29 and 30 (Fig.4 dashed line), take Alginate impression for the lower right quadrant to fabricate a surgical stent.  Two implants are to be placed at the sites of #30 (5x14 mm) and 31 (6x14 mm) (Fig.3,4).

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/31/2015, last revision 05/31/2015