Implants in Healed Sites with Immediate Splinted Provisionals

A 74-year-old man has lost the teeth #30 and 31 for a while.  He is wearing a RPD and is not comfortable with it.  CT analysis reveals that 5x14 and 6x14 mm implants could be placed at the site of #30 and 31, respectively (Fig.1 CT sagittal section), Fig.2,3 (coronal sections)).  If implant threads are exposed, decorticate locally, place bone graft (Fig.2 red circle) and a piece of extended use collagen membrane (circling the implant, to be sutured first).  If insertion torque is high for both implants, splint provisionals and minimal occlusal contact.  For the best positioning, take Alginate impression when the patient returns for #8,9 implant placement.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/22/2015, last revision 01/19/2018