Magicore For Intrusion

A 39-year-old man finishes orthodontic treatment without intrusion of the upper 2nd molar (Fig.1).  He is reluctant for mini-implant placement for intrusion.  After extraction of the tooth #31 with periapical radiolucency (Fig.2 *), a 5x11(4) mm Magicore will be placed with guide (Fig.3).  Following osteointegration (Fig.4), a burn out core is going to be placed (Fig.5 brown, inside metal, outside plastic).  With proper height adjustment, a provisional is fabricated around the core with acrylic (Fig.6 white).  If the provisional keeps breaking down under occlusion, the case will be sent to lab for a screw retained crown with unfinished rough occlusal surface so that a thin layer restoration material able to be laid chair-side (acrylic or suction down material).  Over time, the opposing tooth will be intruded (Fig.7 arrow).

Return to Lower Molar Immediate Implant, Prevent Molar Periimplantitis (Protocols, Table), Trajectory, Metronidazole
Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 03/10/2019, last revision 03/10/2019