As planned, osteotomy is established at #30 as a premolar and at the mesial slope of #31 socket (Fig.3).  Parallel pins (10 and 8.5 mm) are inserted after 2.2 mm drill for 11.5 mm.  In fact the depth is intended for 13 mm, but it does not go that deep at #30 because of the dense bone (probably near the lingual plate at the submandibular fossa) or at #31 because of pain.  There was also pain associated with extraction.  At the later stage of osteotomy at #31, Inferior Alveolar block has to be administered for pain control.

Regular & Short Fixtures for Molars Last Next

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 01/02/2018, last revision 09/02/2018