Mill Abutments and PRF

A 88-year-old man cannot masticate well on the left side because of the loose tooth at #14 with severe gingival recession buccal (Fig.1) and palatal (Fig.2 P).  An implant will be placed in the septum; the peripheral defects of the sockets will be covered by PRF (x2) before bone graft.  Initial depth of osteotomy will be 11 mm (Fig.3) with the implant length being 13 mm.  Because of severe vertical bone loss, a mill abutment is expected (Fig.4).  In fact CT shows the buccopalatal bone is wide.  Use IS implant if it arrives.  But cementation abutments are not available.  A temporary abutment may be used.  The patient is nervous about PRF.

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 11/08/2017, last revision 03/04/2018