The ridge seems to be wide clinically; implant will be as wide as possible.  An envelop incision will be made for crestal approach to get the best visibility (as compared to tissue punch).  The incision can be extended for lateral window if necessary.  At entry point, the bone height is 2.5 mm (Fig.3 red line); as the implant or osteotomy diameter increases, bone contact enhances (pink lines).  If lateral window approach is adopted, a longer implant will be chosen (14 mm in Fig.3 vs. 11 mm in Fig.4, both tissue-level).  The stronger distal septum may deviate the apical portion of the longer implant (Fig.3 arrow).  The distal aspect of the coronal threads may be exposed and therefore is expected to be covered by bone graft (red circle).

Sinus Septi

Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 02/15/2015, last revision 02/15/2015