After removal of granulation tissue distal to the osteotomy, a larger implant is inserted with ~15 Ncm; mixture of autogenous bone and allograft is packed (Fig.5 *).  The latter is covered by 12x12 mm BioXclude and sutured with 4/0 Chromic Gut tension free.最后放置大一号植体,扭力也大一些,周围放置大颗粒骨粉, *。那天没有抽血,骨粉表面覆盖胎盘膜,BioXclude,无张力缝合。术后6.5月切开证实植体上面没有骨质覆盖(如图七:*),第一螺纹可能暴露(>)。螺纹周围骨质密度增高。

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 07/17/2020, last revision 03/07/2021