Limited Ortho Post Guided Placement

A 46-year-old woman has lost the tooth #19 since middle school with supraeruption of the tooth #14 and mesial tilt of the teeth #17 and 18 (Fig.1 arrows).  After slightly distal placement of an implant at #19 with guided surgery (Fig.2), two minimplants will be placed for intrusion of the tooth #14.  Upon implant osteointegration, a provisional will be fabricated with supraocclusion to facilitate the intrusion and upright the tooth #18 with extraction of the tooth #17.  Fig.3 is a coronal section of CT of the roots of the tooth #14, showing 1.6x8 mm and 1.6x10 mm mini-implants to be placed mesiobuccal and distopalatal.  A 5x8.5 mm implant will be placed at the site of #19 (Fig.4).

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 05/05/2018, last revision 08/04/2018