1-Piece Implant for Upper Lateral

A 87-year-old woman requests implants following dislodgement of #6 and 7 crowns (Fig.1).  In fact the crown at #6 is recemented.  An implant will be placed at #7.  To reduce the chance of buccal or palatal plate perforation, a 2.5x14 mm 1-piece implant will be used (Fig.2), in spite of a 4.5x20 mm tissue-level implant having been placed on the contralateral side (Fig.3).  If the bone density at #7 turns out to be low, underprepare or use a larger implant.  Prepare for socket shield.

Return to Upper Incisor Immediate Implant, Trajectory, Clindamycin Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/11/2018, last revision 10/18/2018