The trajectory of #13 and 14 (Fig.5) could have been detected and then corrected if a longer parallel pin at #14 were used (Fig.7) and the X-ray were analyzed more carefully.  It is difficult to take this early intraop PA when long drills remain in osteotomies.  In this case, panaramic X-ray should be taken. 

The new provisional will be kept in place as long as possible (4-6 months).  In fact, the lower edentulous space is restored by a RPD (denture teeth: #18,20,21,28-31).  Before final impression, the provisional will be sectioned between #11 and 12 (Fig.8 brown dashed line).  The retainer of #11 is removed and margin trimming (black line) so that the gingiva may grow incisally. 

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Xin Wei, DDS, PhD, MS 1st edition 10/23/2015, last revision 02/03/2019